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Image by Yuriy Kovalev
portaspa singapore lifestyle wellness for poor circulation symptoms
PortaSpa  Hydrotherapy Singapore, Healthy Lifestyle, lower back pain, back muscles pain, spider veins, painful knees, rheumatoid arthritis, numbness in hands, varicose veins, osteoarthritis

Corporate Wellness Education

PortaSpa Singapore is the leading provider for corporate employees' wellness education. Our mission is to help individuals through a positive change in their lifestyle habits, which are essential for long-term health.

PortaSpa's holistic approach combines innovative scientific technology with ancient civilisations healing treatment. 

SG Workforce Challenges

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Reliant on Medicated Drugs

Many employees are relying on medications only to keep blood pressure, sugar, etc. under control.

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Chronic Stress & Inflammation

Stress affects immunity, can lead to chronic inflammation, which is linked to  autoimmune disorder

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Lifestyle Cancers on the Rise

Strait Times reported in 2014 lifestyle cancer is on the rise which is connected to bad habits.

Underlying Health Issues

Many employees are unaware the root cause of chronic fatigue, poor memory, joint and muscles pain, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness are caused by poor blood micro-circulation. Poor Circulation could delay injuries recovery too.

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Chronic Fatigue

Poor Memory

Muscle Pain

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Varicose Veins

Extremities Numbness

Blood Micro-Circulation

Blood micro-circulation is where blood is required to flow to the smallest blood vessels (called capillaries) to supply oxygen and nutrients to cells while toxins are transferred out of tissues cells for disposal. 

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Poor Micro-Circulation ~ The Beginning of Illness

The main cause of poor blood micro-circulation is lifestyle-related e.g. lack of exercise, eating unhealthy diets resulting in high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and living a stressful life.  Read more about blood circulation.

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Illnesses and pain begin to surface out when the tissue cells are not receiving enough oxygen and nutrients while toxins are stuck in the cells. Initial poor micro-circulation starts from hands and feet before spreading to other parts of the body.  

Staying Healthy : How Much is Your Health Worth to You?

If you are healthy, you get to earn an income from your work and this would be easy to calculate. List down the other things that make your life worth living eg enjoying your hobbies, playing with your kids, grandkids, or pets, being intimate with your partner, getting dressed by yourself, making your own meals, etc. In fact, many items your health allows you to do are priceless.

Wellness Education Objective

We aim to change employees’ mindsets and share with them the importance of self-care. Below are some of the companies that have invited us to conduct wellness education for their employees. Click here to find out more about our corporate talk 


Lifestyle Wellness Solutions

If you are looking for wellness solutions to start your journey on self-care, below are some recommendations. Feel free to connect with us if you have more questions. 

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Alkaline micro-cluster water absorb & detox faster

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Aromatherapy reduces aches & pain naturally

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Self-Detox patch sucks out toxins to heal inflammation

PortaSpa Singapore, chronic fatigue, poor memory, tissue inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, numbness, poor blood circulation

Improve Circulation for injuries, inflammation with PortaSpa's Hydrotherapy 

 Trusted Brand Since 2013
PortaSpa Certificate of Excellence

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